Latest projects
2021-06-17 06.28
Couchsurfing database design
Context Couchsurfing comes from the idea of friends sleeping on friends’ sofas when they need a place to stay. The term was originally linked to people who were semi-homeless. However, it has now expanded...
Exploratory data analysis Python project about the practice of "hitchhiking" using real-world data from hitchwiki
What's the difference between an "objective" map and a "subjective" one?
Project Firstly, I will produce a thematic map of the 2010/2020 agricultural census crossing two complementary statistical indicators by combining two thematic analyzes (symbols and choropleth). Source: This...
Urban Vegetation Detection and Classification using LiDAR data
Context The detection, classification and characterization of vegetation in an urban environment is a crucial step in order to be able to analyze and monitor urban revegetation procedures and policies....
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